Frequently Asked Questions

solar panels

At Sparky Electric & Solar, we understand that investing in solar energy can come with questions and uncertainties.

Our goal is to provide you with clear, concise answers to help you make informed decisions about your solar solutions. Below, you'll find some of the most frequently asked questions about our services and solar energy If you have any more questions, please reach out to our Sacramento solar company.

If my solar system isn't working, do I need a new one?

Not necessarily. If your solar system isn't performing as expected, it could be due to a faulty inverter, breaker issues, or wiring problems. We recommend contacting our Sacramento solar team for an assessment before considering a replacement. Our experts will identify the issue and recommend the best course of action to get your system back up and running.

How long will my solar system last?

Typically, a well-maintained solar system can last up to 25 years or more. Most manufacturers offer warranties on their products, which means if any part of your system fails, we can assist you in repairing it using the warranty to replace the faulty component.

Are your solar services covered by my homeowner's insurance?

No, our services are provided independently and are separate from any homeowner's insurance unless explicitly stated otherwise. It's best to check with your insurance provider to understand what solar-related services or installations may be covered under your policy.

When is the best time to go solar?

The best time to go solar is now! With the available Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), you can take advantage of significant savings on your solar investment. Contact us for the latest information regarding current available solar tax credits.

What is your solar installation process?

Our solar installation process includes several key steps to ensure optimal performance and satisfaction:

  • Site Assessment: A solar professional evaluates your roof and home for solar panel suitability. This is typically a free process that takes about one to two hours.
  • Local Permitting: You'll need appropriate permits from the local government and, if applicable, HOA approval.
  • Design and Proposal: We work collaboratively to design a solar system that integrates seamlessly with your property.
  • Order Equipment: Once the necessary paperwork is approved, we place orders for panels, mounting systems, and possibly an inverter.
  • Construction: Any required property modifications are made, such as erecting scaffolding, and installation begins.
  • Testing and Activation: We test the system and activate it.
  • Grid Connection: If installing a grid-tied system, you’ll notify your utility company to schedule an inspection.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: After installation, the system will need to be monitored and maintained to ensure continued performance.

What is SMUD?

SMUD, or the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, is the agency that provides electricity and supports sustainable energy initiatives for the Sacramento area. They offer various programs and incentives to encourage energy efficiency and renewable energy use, including solar power. As a solar customer, you may benefit from SMUD’s net energy metering program, which allows you to receive credits for the excess energy your solar system generates and sends back to the grid.

Still Have Questions?

Reach out to Sparky Electric & Solar today.

Get a Quote (916) 229-9074